Our condominium has 154 units, and we have a significant amount of maintenance and repair work that needs to be done. What can PPG offer?
At PPG our consulting team is experienced in developing and implementing maintenance and preventative maintenance programs that begin with an evaluation of the reserve fund capital replacement and maintenance management plan, proceed to prioritizing and optimizing maintenance and repair items into manageable and achievable objectives and work with condominium boards to develop and implement measures to ensure projects are properly funded. From evaluating the situation to developing a scope of work and competitive budget, and completing repair work in the current inflationary environment and with deflationary products, PPG provides value added to condominium owners. The in-house maintenance and service team at PPG are qualified, experienced, covered by warranty, and PPG provides a detailed closure report documenting all work.
We have a small condominium with a volunteer board of directors, and we don't have a large amount of money to hire a property management company. What can PPG offer?
At PPG our consulting team has over 100 years of combined experience working with condominium boards to identify opportunities, address concerns, and implement mitigating and remedial activities. At PPG, the condominium board is the property manager and has care and control over all condominium activities. The condominium board can select from a group of qualified and experienced consultants to assist in clarifying options, develop actionable and achievable objectives, and create measures to ensure the job is done in a timely and cost-effective manner. The administration team at PPG can help condominium boards focus their inquiries onto an individual with knowledge and experience who can assist in resolving the issue, without the board needing to incur the cost of retaining the whole company. PPG customizes our services to the needs of the customer.
As a self-managed condominium, we have no need for a property manager to oversee our daily operations; however, there are issues that arise from time to time that challenge our collective ability to manage. What can PPG offer?

At PPG our team is available on an as-needed basis and whether self-managed or managed condominium boards can call on PPG to evaluate, identify and prioritize actions, and assist with the supervision of small and large projects. From remediating water damage to a complete structural rebuild the team at PPG is ready and able to assist.